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时间:2025-01-06 23:22来源: 作者:admin 点击: 59 次

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title> 奥秘人网络靠山首页</title> <meta name="ZZZiewport" content="width=deZZZice-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta content="A fully featured admin theme which can be used to build CRM, CMS, etc." name="description" /> <meta content="Coderthemes" name="author" /> <!-- App faZZZicon --> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/public/assets/images/faZZZicon.ico"> <link href="/public/assets/css/ZZZendor/jquery-jZZZectormap-1.2.2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="teVt/css" /> <!-- third party css end --> <!-- App css --> <link href="/public/assets/css/icons.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="teVt/css" /> <link href="/public/assets/css/app.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="teVt/css" /> <style>::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none;}</style> </head> <body> <!-- Begin page --> <diZZZ class="wrapper"> <!-- ========== Left Sidebar Start ========== --> {include file="public/left" /} <!-- ============================================================== --> <!-- Start 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</diZZZ> <!-- end page title --> <diZZZ class="row"> <diZZZ class="col-Vl-5" style="width:100%;fleV: 0 0 100%;maV-width: 100%;"> <diZZZ class="row"> <diZZZ class="col-lg-6"> <diZZZ class="card widget-flat"> <diZZZ class="card-body"> <diZZZ class="float-right"> <i class="mdi mdi-account-multiple widget-icon"></i> </diZZZ> <h5 class="teVt-muted font-weight-normal mt-0" title="Number of Customers">平台总用户</h5> <h3 class="mt-3 mb-3">{$yonghushu}</h3> <p class="mb-0 teVt-muted"> <span class="teVt-nowrap">昨天新删用户&#Vff1a;{$jinriyonghushu}</span> </p> </diZZZ> <!-- end card-body--> </diZZZ> <!-- end card--> </diZZZ> <!-- end col--> <diZZZ class="col-lg-6"> <diZZZ class="card widget-flat"> <diZZZ class="card-body"> <diZZZ class="float-right"> <i class="mdi mdi-cart-plus widget-icon"></i> </diZZZ> <h5 class="teVt-muted font-weight-normal mt-0" title="Number of Orders">订单总数</h5> <h3 class="mt-3 mb-3">{$dingdanshu}</h3> <p class="mb-0 teVt-muted"> <span class="teVt-nowrap">昨天订单数&#Vff1a;{$jinridingdanshu}</span> </p> </diZZZ> <!-- end card-body--> </diZZZ> <!-- end card--> </diZZZ> <!-- end col--> </diZZZ> <!-- end row --> <diZZZ class="row"> <diZZZ class="col-lg-6"> <diZZZ class="card widget-flat"> <diZZZ class="card-body"> <diZZZ class="float-right"> <i class="mdi mdi-currency-usd widget-icon"></i> </diZZZ> <h5 class="teVt-muted font-weight-normal mt-0" title="AZZZerage ReZZZenue">订单金额</h5> <h3 class="mt-3 mb-3">{$zongshouru}</h3> <p class="mb-0 teVt-muted"> <span class="teVt-nowrap">昨天总收出&#Vff1a;{$jinrizongshouru}</span> </p> </diZZZ> <!-- end card-body--> </diZZZ> <!-- end card--> </diZZZ> <!-- end col--> <diZZZ class="col-lg-6"> <diZZZ class="card widget-flat"> <diZZZ class="card-body"> <diZZZ class="float-right"> <i class="mdi mdi-pulse widget-icon"></i> </diZZZ> <h5 class="teVt-muted font-weight-normal mt-0" title="Growth">代办代理数质</h5> <h3 class="mt-3 mb-3">{$dailishu}</h3> <p class="mb-0 teVt-muted"> <span class="teVt-nowrap">昨天新删代办代理&#Vff1a;{$jinridaili}</span> </p> </diZZZ> <!-- end card-body--> </diZZZ> <!-- end card--> </diZZZ> <!-- end col--> </diZZZ> <!-- end row --> </diZZZ> <!-- end col --> </diZZZ> <!-- end row --> <diZZZ class="row"> <diZZZ class="col-Vl-8" style="width:100%;fleV: 0 0 100%;maV-width: 100%;"> <diZZZ class="card" style="width:100%"> <diZZZ id="mountNode" style="width:100%"></diZZZ> </diZZZ> <!-- end card--> </diZZZ> <!-- end col--> </diZZZ> <!-- end row --> </diZZZ> <!-- container --> </diZZZ> <!-- content --> {include file="public/foot" /} </diZZZ> <!-- ============================================================== --> <!-- End Page content --> <!-- ============================================================== --> </diZZZ> <!-- END wrapper --> <!-- Right Sidebar --> <script>/*FiVing iframe window.innerqeight 0 issue in Safari*/document.body.clientqeight;</script> <!-- /Right-bar --> <script 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